Belated birthday greetings from KL by night!


Yeah, remember that secret country from our last video? We went to Malaysia to celebrate my birthday. However, amongst other observations, here's why that didn't exactly turn out as planned. (And this is where my comments about recovering from food poisoning on that last video should start making sense).

Kuala Lumpur, like other parts of Southeast Asia, is hot and humid. But perhaps a bit more so. And in any case, it's fucking huge. Seems like the kinda place you could go exploring every day for a coupla weeks and keep finding new cool spots.

And Malaysia, while certainly more wealthy and clean than the other countries we've visited, is also somehow not as expensive as you'd might expect. It's Muslim, and there are more people from India. But we were only there for a weekend, and we were only out on this one day, so we didn't learn a whole lot. This is also why we didn't come across any metal bars.

Next time, KL.